It's our secret -romance game App Reviews

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Help a sister out

At first I did not find the characters attractive but as I kept on reading I became so intrigued. Love this game , the plot is amazing, I totally encourage everybody to download the game. Oh and in order to get coins please register with my invitation code hba2328 Pleaaase, it will give you 350 free coins good enough to keep reading the story or buying cute avatar clothes. It will also give me coins in return c: as to be so kind , it is a win win! Enjoy the game

Addicting but irritating

I feel they couldve been a little more creative with the story. The same drama repeats in the story. It gets old but you cant help but want to find out the ending so you endure the stupid parts to find out the ending.

Invitation ID : jsk3754

get free coins by entering the id. its a fun game to play, but the only downside is waiting for tickets.

Code: eim2029

Use my invitation code for coins. Eim2029

Love it!!!

Great game! Its really intriguing and exciting. Invitation ID: qju2139 Enter the invitation ID for free coins to use in the game.

Coin bonus csg3280

This will give you coins when you first download the game just enter it in the invitation box and youll be able to read the story when you use the gold to buy passes.

Great RPG romance

Great time waster that emerges you into that story. You have revenge jealously and romance. My Id is btr7999 use it to get extra coins to use in the game.

Super Awesome!

Dont have to pay any money and has great dialogue. Enter codes--> sep1895, afj2507, and nfi5601 for free coins!

Invitation ID


Very disappointed

I had hopes for this app and I sadly cant say it met my exceptions, with all the positive reviews I assumed it was not only going to be a good game but a well written story... I was sadly mistaken, BUT before I go through the cons of the app Ill list the pros to be fair. PRO: Nice layout; Easy to maneuver through Nice drawings; Really nice art and visuals Get 5 free tickets every day The profile system is a nice touch CONS: Horribly written story(Its as if a 2nd grader wrote this, its a shame because the story line had great potential) ; The "episodes" are EXTREMELY short.; The dialog and the characters are completely out of wack! I could go on forever about how horrible the writing is and how it just jumps from one thing to another without any transition. But, neither you or I have time for that so long story short there are WAY better stories and visual novels out there dont waste your time with this one. Verdict: Would not recommend this to a 1st grader.

Great Game!

psj3032 This is one of my favorite Otome games because the story and characters are all well written. The game doesnt require you to spend money in order to progress either. If you have a little patience, this is the perfect game for you.

This game

This game is amazing so far! (Use the code kkj3443 to get coins!!!)

Super cool!! Use my code for 350 coins (:

I LOVE this story! Its so great it really really keeps me hanging on unlike some other games Ive played. I always find myself wanting to read more lol I hate waiting all day for the tickets to restore. Thats my only complaint. Use my code mme4231 to get 350 coins so you can buy some tickets!!

Read this its needed

I love this game but I hate how you only get 5 stories a day and they are really short... I also think Kevin should be a bigger part in this story and have more of a chance, I mean the main character loved Edward from the start to Kevin was always behind. Kevins Character is a lot better than Edward to tell the truth and I really want my character to end up with him and not Edward... But Im only on the 2nd story... So Kevin is looking really good right now but then BOOM! Edward pops right back in and ruins everything... Also there should be more choices on choosing between Edward and Kevin I mean really its not fair that Edward ALWAYS gets the main characters side. And really you creator are selfish! Only giving us readers 5 short stories a day unless we pay money! I think u should just let us read as much as we want u mean really. Its not even that great of writing by I love the plot/theme... I just wish There would be more Kevin stories and more choices on Kevins behalf in the main story. As well for the secret stories have the love meter be a little lower I never get to read them! I only got to read the first one! Anyway great game more or less.

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