I love this game! But one thing I dont like is the coin system. Hint! If you use an invitation Id, you get 350 coins. My id is: qed3901
I love this game! But one thing I dont like is the coin system. Hint! If you use an invitation Id, you get 350 coins. My id is: qed3901
Love the story! Use my ID to get coins ;) ID: uqc5918
When I first played this game, I hated it! BUT as I kept playing, it got better and better! Kevin (one of the main chars) was sleazy as hell but you get to see why he was doing that stuff later on. He became better than Edward (the guy that you have to choose first) at one point. The story was abrupt and choppy but as you read on, it delves more into their motives and feelings that really makes you feel something! The feels!! X3 4.5 (REALLY bad beginning chapters but good ending chapters) Overall the game could be better, the beginning chapters really need some work but if you keep reading on, itll be worth it.
This games totally fun and exciting, You can do have a lot of fun during the game but episodes are too short so youll easily run out of tickets. And of course platinums are too expensive too. So whatd you lose if you make the game free anyway, having fun is hard in these days.
The best game ever!!!!!
Invitation ID: bam2414 Please, use it!! ☺️
Can you create the game in italian language please?!? Its Beautiful but I dont understand many words. Thank
Invitation ID: ueb2753 Love the game!!! XD
Addicted LOVE it!
Use my id for 350 free coin fun game!
Invitation ID: kar4683 I love this game! Its so much fun!!
Love, Love, Love!!! In the mean time, every little bit helps. Use this code for coins: tfd8753
I almost freaked-out while looking for this game on the App Store but, when I finally found it I was ecstatic. With hopes and expectations high, I started the game. Is a really well made game much like forbidden love he unforgivable couple. My only problem with the game is scenarios are as long as I had hoped. This aside it is a great game and I recommend it to all.
My ID is scq7371. Love this game
I dont like it it was to cheesy
Use my ID for 350 coins in the game!!! This is very entertaining;) amazing story line a must have
These are all great stories, and extremely intriguing. Give this app a try and you will not be unsatisfied! -ジェイさん
Invite Code: fkp6562 Use my Invite code to get stuff.